Heard this equation years ago "value=time", basically what you value means you will move heaven and earth to make time for it.
That explains
-why people wake up early to play golf but never wake up for church
-why people will take time to watch Twilight but never have time to read the Bible
-why people spend time playing basketball but never spend time with their kids
-why people set aside morning meetings but never date their wives
Jesus had rockstar status during his ministry on earth.. yet he never defocused from his number one value which is God. time with God.
" Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed". Mark 1:35
ASk yourself 2 questions after reading this blog
1. what/who do i value?
2. Do i spend enough time investing in those things I value.
hahaha nice Twilight mention :)
love the twilight and pls keep on blogging
good one la.
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