My 1 year old son Lorenzo has been learning a lot of new words as of late. Words like Amen! Lebron! KA chow! (from Cars) its just so exciting to see him discover and use words.
One word Macy and I have been emphasizing to Lorenzo is the word ...OBEY!!! Been trying to make him understand that he is not the boss of the home. His parents are. That he cant have everything he wants. When mom or dad asks him to place his toys back or brush his teeth he should OBEY!!! He can't grapple his cousin and pound him to submission because that does not make Jesus happy. (or his cousin's mom)If he chooses not to follow there would be consequences.
Some may say Lorenzo is too young or too cute to be disciplined, yet teaching him obedience will really benefit him in the long run. We are investing in Lorenzo's future..for him to realize that he is under authority. ( it will save us from a lot of future problems too)
If he learns to obey his parents right now, he would be willing to obey his teachers, traffic enforcers, or anyone authority figure. Ultimately, we teach him to obey because we want him to learn to obey God. That disobedience would hurt him and God, but obedience will lead to a fruitful life.
This is investment is sure to pay off!
“‘Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land. Leviticus 25:18
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