Just saw Tiger Woods win another PGA Tour championship . The best golfer in the world, Tiger has dominated the sport for a decade. At the age of 31, he has won every conceivable award in golf. He plays. he wins. Its that simple!
It started 28 years ago. Earl Woods( dad) invested in young Tiger at the age of 3. When other kids were playing Atari, Tiger was working on his swing. When his neighbors were watching Betamax, he was practicing putting. Earl understood the phrase "they are never too young".. and now Tiger is reaping the benefits and killing his opponents.
As a church, we need to prioritize young people. If you want to predict if a church will make it in the future, just check these 3 things
1. kids church
2. youth group
3. campus ministry.
If these 3 ministires are strong and vibrant you can be assured that your church will be ready for the future. Do we set young people aside and say "they are too young" or set an excuse like "let's wait till their a little bit older" .
I challenge us to change our thinking and have a different attitude. Let's be a like Earl Woods... cause you never know who will become the next Tiger. GRRRR!!!
I hope when you get an opportunity to mentor a younger person you say, i'm game cause "THEY ARE NEVER TOO YOUNG"
yo, LA!
finally someone from EN manila using blogspot! :)
OOPPSS made a mistake on my earlier comment. Bro, galing mo talaga. You inspired me to look into the future as we face our new challenges here in our new assignment here in Houston. My heart's desire is to prepare the next Generation of our own TIGERS in the Kingdom...
Carlo Ratilla
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